Jt cuphead rap
Jt cuphead rap

jt cuphead rap

Explosive Breeder: The Mob Raps feature the chicken frequently boasting about his tendency to flood houses with boatloads of his chicks in spite of how many are killed.Darkseid and Thanos also have a rap battle in commemoration for their match in DEATH BATTLE!.Slenderman Rap, with two horror icons dueling to see who's the scariest.

jt cuphead rap

  • Disappeared Dad: In "Sombra vs Spy", Sombra responds to Spy's maternal insult by revealing that she (somehow) knows the Spy is Scout's long-lost father.
  • A good example of this change in mood can be seen in the different choruses for each song: The original song smugly proclaims "I don't want to set the world on fire! / I just want to start a flame in your heart! / I don't want to set the world on fire! / I only want to tear it apart!" However, the re-imagined version of the song instead somberly states "I don't want to set the world on fire / Just wanna start a flame in your heart / I don't want to set the world on fire / Can't help it if I tear it apart".
  • The re-imagined version of the song is far more overt about the Sole Survvior's inner turmoil and in general has a bleaker tone as the Sole Survivor ruminates over the Crapsack World they've woken up in.
  • On a similar note, the initial version of "Welcome to My Apocalypse" is mostly an epic Boastful Rap consisting of the Sole Survivor bragging about how they're tearing through the Commonwealth like a hot knife through soft butter with only a few hints towards their Stepford Smiler traits and Dark and Troubled Past.
  • The "Dirty Dish Remix" of the "Cuphead Rap" compared to the original.
  • Heavy: Thank Zarya, she makes you look intimidating!
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: Shows up once in a while, but the crowner has to be the three in "Rapture Rising" following each other:.
  • instead of the cartoon note Only Cuphead has a soul debt, which he got after losing a game at the Carnevil, resulting him and Mugman striving to keep the Devil from stealing it.

    jt cuphead rap

    But the lyrics detailing the context behind the cups' Deal with the Devil use the backstory from the game note Both Cuphead and Mugman owe their souls to the devil after Cuphead gambled them and lost, forcing them to have to work as the Devil's debt collectors. Adaptation Amalgamation: "Devil of a Time" exclusively uses footage from The Cuphead Show! and was released not too long after the show's premiere.

    Jt cuphead rap full#

    Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: “ The Circus of Value Song” features this trope in full effect - the voice from the titular vending machine telling you that it has all the supplies you could need to survive in Rapture, but if you don’t have the cash, you’re fucked.Papyrus: The last line of the chorus is a pun!

    Jt cuphead rap