Water consumption per day
Water consumption per day

water consumption per day

Urine has been a useful tool to determine how hydrated we are since the earliest days of medicine. If you go to the gym, remember that is extra water required to re-hydrate. I tend to say 1.5 litres at a minimum per day for anyone, increasing this according to your routine. If you are a very active person then aim for the higher amount. All you need to do is multiply 0.033 to your weight in Kg. At 90kg, you'll around about 3 litres of water. For example, if you are 60kg, you should drink about 2 litres of water every single day. Water (in litres) to drink a day = Your Weight (in Kg) multiplied by 0.033. As a general rule, you can use this simple calculation. Think about your weight and how much physical activity you do a day when you think about how much water you need. The kidneys and liver need water to fight off infection so ensure you top up when you are unwell. Water is always lost through diarrhoea, vomiting and sweating, especially when we have a fever. This is crucial to eradicate toxins from the body and prevent us from becoming poorly. If we have enough water we can then lose it efficiently too, through sweating and urination. It’s basically absolutely fundamental to drink water. These are just a few of the major components and mechanisms affected but water also acts as a lubricant for the spine, protecting our joints. Cells, Organs, Tissues all need water to regulate body temperature and keep certain areas moist for example our very own eyes. Our bodies are comprised largely of water so it’s understandable that every function inside our body depends upon it to do its job well. This lack of on the go option means we must carry a bottle wherever possible. Schools, Hospitals, Gyms, do you see water available? There is always however, without question, a vending machine pushing cheaper sugary items than a bottle of water.

water consumption per day

This is for a variety of reasons but it is important to address that drinking water, by itself, is not encouraged enough in an array of environments where it should be. Research has produced some disturbing reports that around 48% of water consumption through out the day comes from sugary fizzy drinks, juices and 18% from food! I expect this figure may not be far from the reality here in the UK but the worrying fact of the matter is that young children, those with chronic illnesses and the elderly are at greater risk of becoming dehydrated. Water provides the medium for biochemical reactions within cell tissues and is essential for maintaining an adequate blood volume and the integrity of the cardiovascular system. The human body is approximately 60% water and it makes perfect sense that we need to keep this optimum level topped up, accounting for any water loss or extra water needs throughout the day. The key is to ascertain how much we actually need to function effectively. Too many of us are simply not drinking enough but how much water should you drink every day? Hydration is the corner stone to good health and estimates suggest the average Briton drinks less than 1 glass.ĭehydration can contribute to frequent headaches, dry skin, slowed weight loss, dizziness, hunger, lack of concentration, amongst numerous others. I advise everyone to drink more water every day.

Water consumption per day